The ScHARR Student e-Journal Editorial Board
Hannah Jordan
Associate editors
Design, Trials and Statistics - Dan Beever
Food and Nutrition Group - Hibbah Osei-Kwasi
Editorial assistant
Liz Metham
Postgraduate student committee members and reviewers
Affra Al Shamsi
Affra is a PhD student at ScHARR. Her research topic is “Incorporating a Knowledge Management Paradigm into Healthcare: A Mixed Method Investigation of Knowledge Sharing in Cross-Professional Teams in Healthcare”. Affra is interested in interdisciplinarity, teamwork, knowledge sharing and public engagement. She is a current Doctoral Academy Intern, the postgraduate research representative for ScHARR’s Equality and Diversity Committee, co-representative for ScHARR International Students, and has recently received recognition as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Loren De Freitas
Loren is a PhD student in Health Service Research Section, ScHARR. Her PhD topic focuses on analysing patient flow in an emergency department in Trinidad using a mixed methods approach. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of where and why bottlenecks exist in the patient journey so that patient centered solutions can be implemented.